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Current Seminarians

“Yet, I know that, at a certain point in my life, I became convinced that Christ was saying to me what he had said to thousands before me: ‘Come, follow me!” ~St. John Paul II

Rev. Mr. Aaron Alford

Theology IV, Diocese of Gallup

Rev. Mr. Dillon Armstrong

Theology IV, Diocese of Helena

James Berg

Spirituality Year, Archdiocese of Denver

Shae Bills

Pre-Theology II, Diocese of Helena

Cody Bliss

Theology I, Archdiocese of Denver

Dominic Borchers

Theology I, Archdiocese of Denver

Jack Brustkern

Spirituality Year, Archdiocese of Denver

Rev. Mr. Blaise Buches

Theology IV, Archdiocese of Denver

Andrew Buyle

Pre-Theology II, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

Daniel Carlisi

Theology I , Diocese of Phoenix

Rendon Chambers

Theology II, Archdiocese of Oklahoma City

Rev. Mr. Jacob Chavez

Theology IV, Diocese of Phoenix

Rev. Mr. Connor Companik

Theology IV, Diocese of Phoenix

Thaddeus Conder

Propodaeutic Year I, Archdiocese of Denver

Jarrad Condreay

Pre-Theology II, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

John Cooney

Theology III, Diocese of Helena

Dominic Counihan

Pre-Theology II, Diocese of Phoenix

Enrique Cruz-Bautista

Propodaeutic Year II, Archdiocese of Denver

Andrew Cunningham

Pre-Theology I, Archdiocese of Kansas City

Isaac Cunnings

Spirituality Year, Archdiocese of Denver

Jared Cutshaw

Pre-Theology II, Diocese of Phoenix

Rev. Mr. Jose Delgado

Theology IV, Archdiocese of Denver

Dominick Denney

Theology II, Archdiocese of Oklahoma City

Luciano Diaz

Theology III , Diocese of Gallup

Jason DiRito

Theology III, Archdiocese of Denver

John Donart Jr.

Theology III, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

Cooper Eitel

Pre-Theology I, Archdiocese of Denver

James Euston

Spirituality Year, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

Ryan Everson

Theology I, Diocese of Phoenix

Marshall Fike

Spirituality Year, Diocese of Salina

James Finders

Theology I, Archdiocese of Denver

Jonathan Fox

Theology II, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

Jonathan Francois

Theology III, Archdiocese of Denver

Gabe Friess

Spirituality Year, Diocese of Salina

Luke Friess

Theology III, Diocese of Salina

Carson Gorton

Spirituality Year, Archdiocese of Helena

Steven Gutierrez

Theology I, Diocese of Phoenix

Riley Helgoe

Theology II, Diocese of Helena

Manuel Hinojosa

Spirituality Year, Archdiocese of Denver

Daniel Igoe

Spirituality Year, Archdiocese of Denver

Michael Irlbeck

Spirituality Year, Archdiocese of Denver

Will Ives

Pre-Theology I, Archdiocese of Denver

James Joseph

Pre-Theology II, Archdiocese of Denver

Nathan Laudan

Spirituality Year, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

Joseph Machado

Pre-Theology I, Archdiocese of Denver

Kaelob Marx

Theology I, Diocese of Grand Island

Zach McGuinness

Pre-Theology II, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

Rev. Mr. Kade Megaffin

Theology IV, Diocese of Salina

Max Megaffin

Pre-Theology II, Diocese of Salina

Ashton Mendoza

Propodaeutic Year I, Archdiocese of Denver

Luke Metzer

Pre-Theology II, Archdiocese of Denver

Nathan Miller

Pre-Theology II, Diocese of Phoenix

Thomas Myers, Jr.

Pre-Theology I, Archdiocese of Denver

David Napierkowski

Pre-Theology II, Archdiocese of Denver

Jeremiah Obiano

Spirituality Year, Archdiocese of Denver

Rev. Mr. Jesse Ochs

Theology IV, Diocese of Salina

Daniel Olivas-Rey

Propodaeutic Year I, Archdiocese of Denver

Simon Ortiz

Theology III, Diocese of Phoenix

Francisco Perez

Pre-Theology I, Archdiocese of Denver

Jeffrey Pooley

Theology III, Diocese of Phoenix

Luke Power

Pre-Theology II, Diocese of Phoenix

Matthew Ralls

Spirituality Year, Diocese of Salina

Michael Randolph

Spirituality Year, Archdiocese of Denver

Maxwell Rich

Theology II, Diocese of Phoenix

Daniel Rivas

Theology III, Archdiocese of Denver

Michael Salemi

Theology II, Diocese of Phoenix

Jacob Smith

Spirituality Year, Archdiocese of Helena

Miguel Soto

Theology I, Diocese of Phoenix

Michael Sparks

Theology II, Diocese of Pueblo

Joseph Tynan

Pre-Theology I, Archdiocese of Denver

Rev. Mr. Adam Urban

Theology IV, Diocese of Salina

Dominic Victor

Pre-Theology I, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

Landry Weber

Pre-Theology II, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

Ryan Wiensch

Theology II, Diocese of Phoenix

Steven Zarian

Pre-Theology I, Archdiocese of Denver