Books to Buy
Students are not required to buy these texts, but they are responsible for having a copy for their sole use during the course. The Library provides a book exchange for students to pass on books they no longer need to other students, and is located in the library office. Please consider donating gently used textbooks. Identify any book to be dropped off for the swap so that they can be marked. Donation to the swap is not necessary to take books from it.
Recommended Texts
Recommended texts are those from which not enough reading assignments are drawn to warrant asking students to provide their own copies or those that instructors think will enhance a student’s appreciation of the subject matter of the course. Any reading assignments drawn from these texts will be available on reserve.
Electronic Reserve
Below are links to required or recommended texts available in an electronic format. For physical reserve items, please refer to the course syllabus.
Bukharin, Communist Revolutionary State
Carnegie, The Gospel of Wealth
Chesterton, Outline of Sanity
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
Malthus, An Essay on the Principles of Population
Maritain, Church and State
Maritain, Person and Society
Maritain, Solitude and the Community
Marx, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts
Marx, Manifesto of the Communist Party
Mill, On Liberty
Ratzinger, A Christian Orientation in a pluralistic democracy
Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
Rousseau, On the Social Contract
Simon, Freedom and Community